Leveraging Amazon for Retail

Michèle has extensive experience trading on Amazon. This includes FBA (Fufilled by Amazon), via SFP (Seller fulfilled Prime) and FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant). Michèle is highly skilled at taking brands from zero Amazon presence to a 6 figure a month turnover. She is excellent at setting up and optimising Amazon listings and stores, including A+ content and brand registry.

Amazon on a phone screen

If you ready to take your Amazon sales to the next level and want specialist consultancy from one of the best in the industry, then look no further. Contact us, so we can explain how The Retail Fixers can help achieve these goals.


Hear what our clients have to say about working with us - Golden Coast

“Recommended to us by a mutual business acquaintance, The Retail Fixers run was exactly what we were looking for when needing to make
an informed decision on getting our business involved in B2C eCommerce.
…We were presented with a comprehensive feasibility report supported by an online workshop. This allowed us to really drill into the detail and get a clearer view of how the project would both positively and negatively affect the business and of course, our all-important margin. Years of hands on experience in eCommerce puts them in a unique position and their friendly, no nonsense approach, resulted in a really positive experience so I would recommend anyone else thinking about selling on-line to get The Retail Fixers involved.”

How we have helped our clients

We have covered the following areas, 

  • The basics of selling on Amazon
  • Feasibility studies
  • Brand registry
  • Setting up an Amazon store and A+ content
  • Listing and store optimisation
  • UK and European FBA
  • Optimisation of current listings and store
  • Growing a brand with Amazon
  • Scaling a seasonal business with Amazon
  • Troubleshooting

This has been delivered in a number of ways including workshops, 121 coaching, event speaker and staff training

Amazon workshop on Mac
Mish UP Panel wide shot

The Letter Box Hamper Company - Jonny Winfield,

Excellent knowledge and very straight talking, thoroughly recommend – Jonny Winfield, The Letter Box Hamper Company